

The Caregivers Advocate

A Complete Guide to
Support and Resources

Amy Friesen is featured in this collaborative book designed to empower caregivers with essential support and guidance on their eldercare journey.


In Chapter Two, titled "When It’s Time for the Talk: Turning Awkward Conversations into Actionable Eldercare Planning," Amy provides invaluable insights on initiating crucial discussions with loved ones to prevent crisis situations. This chapter equips readers with strategies to open communication lines effectively, covering:

  • Emotional Aspects of an Impending Health Crisis
  • The 7 Talks of Eldercare: Knowing when to use them
  • “The Talk” Must-Haves


  • Sparking Joy and Connection: Seven ways to infuse music into dementia caregiving
  • Building Your Support Team: The art and freedom of asking for and accepting help
  • Be Their Power: Essential legal documents all caregivers need
  • Promote Healthy Boundaries to Thrive: Creating balance for resilient and sustainable caregiving
  • Caregiver Burnout: Understanding it and how to avoid it
  • Safety First: When is it time to stop driving?
  • The Art of Financial Self-Defense: Strategies to protect the elderly from exploitation
  • Hands-On Care: Essential tips for bathing and eating
  • The Alzheimer’s Conversation: Why and how to include children
  • Why Did I Come to the Fridge?: Four powerful techniques to improve memory
  • Be Their Voice: Taking the lead to help navigate late-life challenges
  • A Different Feel: Navigating dementia sensory changes with ease
  • Finding the Gift: Coping when caregiving has no end in sight
  • Stop the World; I Want to Get Off!: Strategies for maintaining sanity while caring for a loved one
  • A Journey Through My Mother’s Dementia: Navigating the fog of guardianship
  • Alzheimer’s and Rehabilitation: Exploring whether an integrative approach could be the answer
  • Love’s Resilience and Hope: Navigating marriage after stroke and aphasia
  • Fill Your Life with New Experiences: Tips for going on vacation with your loved one
  • Massive Acceptance and Radical Presence: The key to positively navigating your caregiving journey
  • Hospice and the End-of-Life Doula: When hospice isn’t enough

This book is a vital resource for caregivers, offering practical advice, emotional support, and actionable strategies to ensure the well-being of both caregivers and their loved ones.